Yosef Dhu Nuwas, a Sadducean King with Sidelocks
Yosef Dhu Nuwas, a Sadducean King with Sidelocks.
By Ben Abrahamson and Joseph Katz
Published 2007
Traces the history and fortunes of the hellenizing Jewish family of the Tobiads from their Persian roots, to their founding of a petty kingdom at ‘Iraq al-Amir, to the nabatean wars, to the Tubba kings of Himyar; explores 3rd to 5th century Arabia as an extension of the Second Commonwealth, and a direct descendant of the Tobiad petty kingdom; also covers his loss of a replica of the Ark of the Covenant adorned even today with the Tobiad/Himyar dove, now buried under a church in Axum, Ethiopia. Also discusses the derivations of Saracen, Mushreqoon and "Dhu Nuwas".
- The Tobiads
- Declaration of Cyrus 538BCE
- Appearance of Ezra, 458 BCE
- The proclamation and assembly
- Heated confrontation with Nehemiah and the Judeans, 445 BCE
- Tobiah accused Nehemiah of rebellion
- Militarily threatened the Judean community
- Attempt to overthrough Nehemiah
- Tobiah retained strong ties to the Judean community
- Tobiah gained a foothold in the temple precinct
- End of Nehemiah's office as governor of Judah, c. 430 BCE
- Sanballat and Darius Codomannus 336-330 BCE
- The 'Elephantine papyri
- The Zenon papyri
- The Maccabean period
- Antipatris and Herod
- The Himyarites, Tubbas and Kindah
- Shamir Yuhar'esh II Tubba', 275 CE
- Yasir Yuhan'im III
- Tharin Yuhan'im
- Serving the Kings of Himyar 275CE-525CE
- Malki Karab Yuha'min, c. 378CE
- Abu Karib As'ad I Tubba', r.390-420CE
- Jews in Kyrgyz
- Conversion to (Rabbinic) Judaism
- Seige of Yatrib
- Satih and Shiqq
- Qusai ibn Kilab ibn Murrah (Qusayy), c. 400-480
- Hassan I Yuha'min Tubba', r.420-450CE
- Expedition to Iraq
- 'Amr Tubba', Regent of Himyar, 450CE
- 'Abd Kulal, Chief of Himyar, r.~460-467
- As'ad II Tubba' ~440-r.450-518
- Al-Harith, General of As'ad II Tubba'
- The Royal House: Hassan II, Shamir al-Janah, and Ya'fur
- Ya'fur
- Mazdakite pesecution
- Shamir Dhu al-Janah, ~495-517
- Shamir's marriage to the daughter of Huna V, 27th Exilarch
- Marthid-ilan Yanuf Aslam, d.~516
- Lakhi'athah Yanuf Dhu Shandtir, d.518
- Yosef Asher Dhu Nuwas (King with beautiful Sidelocks) r. 518-525 CE
- Najran
- Christianity in Arabia
- Relations between Himyar and Abyssia
- Israel Yaakov (Sharah'il Yaq'ub) Dhu Yaz'an
- Bibliography
- The Rulers of Sheba and Himyar
- The Tobiad / Tubba' Dynasty
- The Tobiad / Tubba' Dynasty, (cont')
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